Newbie on a Bush Pig

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Bush Pig
350cc Veteran
Posts: 125
Joined: Sun Sep 27, 2015 8:16 pm
Location: Ash, Surrey

Newbie on a Bush Pig

Postby Bush Pig » Mon Sep 28, 2015 5:36 pm

hi all,

Went to the fire station bash yesterday and decided I have to have a go at green roading (cause they ain't lanes anymore?).
I have a newish DR650 that came back from the states when I moved back home, it isn't ideal but it's all I got! I will look to join a beginners class so that I can learn to fall off properly. I would probably have to stick with the heavy-weights once up and running as the DR is a bit of a tractor.

I would need some advice on what type of helmet to wear as I only have a full face road bike style helmet, I don't want to spend the earth but need some 'valued advice' from people in the know. Are the MX style helmets around £150 legal on the road, do I need a visor or goggles, do I need body armour or is an old tee-shirt fine etc.

All the best

John (riding the bush pig)

1150 adventurer
Posts: 1217
Joined: Tue Dec 04, 2012 9:42 pm

Re: Newbie on a Bush Pig

Postby stevent » Mon Sep 28, 2015 8:24 pm

Wow John, you are certainly on message. I'm not sure everyone else has understood its rights of road now, not rights of way.
Welcome and glad you were persuaded to get into trail riding. Yes the bike is big for the trails but that shouldn't stop you.

Regards kit - Everyone has their own preference so you'll get loads of different answers.
There is basic advice on our website here -
And try googling your questions.

For me:
I've paid good money for a good helmet (Arai Tour X3) as I want to know it will do its job if I whack my head hard.
I wear Bolle safety/cycling glasses - less than a tenner on ebay - and the helmet has a visor but I only use that on the road stints.
MX boots are essential. Also knee pads. Then strongly recommend elbow pads or full upper body armour. Though some ride without it. But I reckon it will hurt a lot more if/when you fall off.

If you've not done it yet you can join the TRF here

See you on a run or at club night


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