DirtWiseUK Enduro practice day. Sunday 19th. Broxhead Common

For all competitive riding such as enduros and hare & hounds
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DirtWiseUK Enduro practice day. Sunday 19th. Broxhead Common

Postby GuzziGreg » Mon Mar 13, 2017 9:10 pm

Planning to ride the DirtWiseUK enduro practice this Sunday so if you are going or keen to try let me know if you want to meet up, ride together or just say HI :D

Its down the A3 just past Hindhead. £40 if you pre-book or £45 on the day. Starts at 09:30 and runs to 15:00ish

For those new to this, they will have a course set out with arrows and tape. You get to ride around as many or few times as you like and are free to take a break whenever you want.
Its has large sandy areas and woodland. There is also a jet wash 5 minutes away in the village for cleaning afterwards.
Its not particularly difficult riding as these events go and has a mix of fast bits and slow riding although it will be sure to tire you out by the end of the day!
Most people are usually pretty friendly at these events and it is good practice if you are into racing, thinking of entering an enduro, wanting to increase your riding fitness or just want to play ride and have fun without all the road riding inbetween the green lanes.

More info and to book:
http://www.facebook.com/dirtwiseuk OR https://www.dirtwiseuk.com/book-events/enduro-practise-day-j1-broxshead-common-2/


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