23 March - Ace Cafe 'Overland day' - volunteers?

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23 March - Ace Cafe 'Overland day' - volunteers?

Postby stevent » Fri Mar 07, 2014 8:18 pm

Dear All

Mario Costa Sa is looking for some volunteers to help man the stall at the Ace Cafe Overland and Adventure travel day on 23 March.
After signing 40 + up at NEC it is a good opportunity to get some more new members signed up. Below is what he has sent me, he is looking for someone to take responsibility for managing the stand, and then a few more volunteers.

"Currently we have 2 (new) stand volunteers (both from Herts TRF) but need more experienced stand staff. This is obviously on the border of S. London & Herts Turf but is likely to have pull from all over London & M4 corridor

1. Stand Manager
Mark Kinnard is at the National TRF IOM and I am at due at Devon Axe2Exe. Can you help with a Stand Manager? The stand is currently with Mark Kinnard in Quendon Essex

2. Volunteers
Not a big show but a few more volunteers would be nice"

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