2020 - who does what at Surrey TRF

1150 adventurer
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Joined: Tue Dec 04, 2012 9:42 pm

2020 - who does what at Surrey TRF

Postby stevent » Sun May 24, 2020 12:28 pm


I announced our group officers following our AGM in January. Note of that here:

Since then Tony Rowlands and Steve Sharp have offered to continue to support the group as officers and so they have been co-opted in. Chris Edwards also supports the running of the forum as a non-committee officer so that we are compliant with national TRF's GDPR management processes.

So your group officers are:
myself (as Chair)
John T (Rights of Road),
Murray L (Treasurer),
Kev G (Events),
Luke A (Social Media),
Nigel C (New Members)
Tony R (Group Rep)
Steven Sharp (Officer)
Chris Edwards (non Committee officer)

Loads of other people support the running of the group, including run leaders, and I saw on FB a member offering to take one other out for a run which is great. Many of us know others to ride with but there are always newer members who appreciate being shown where to go and the opportunity to meet someone else. A huge thank you to everyone who puts something in however small, into the group.


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