RUN REPORT - Easy Run - 1 Feb 14

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RUN REPORT - Easy Run - 1 Feb 14

Postby stevent » Sat Feb 01, 2014 9:50 pm

Great day out today with Simon W, Simon Simmysimpkins, Husky Sam, Stuart E and Mike Watts. Big tree down on Hogden Lane, Simon W was straight in there clearing the smaller branches and we just about managed to squeeze the bike under. A triumph, this is what makes runs special.
Down Beggars Lane and Wolvens was a treat like usual, fantastic views.
The steam near Pisley Farm was high, you could feel the flow dragging you down stream, I don't think I've seen it that full before.
Carried on through Cranleigh where the mucky mutts clambered into the dog wash.
The out of Cranleigh Husky Sam was pursued by the old bill, on foot! I thought the policeman was after me but no he kept running, and he caught Sam, and words were exchanged, the offence being standing on the pegs and having a mucky bike, Sam reassured him it would be gleaming before long, but not before the end of our ride. Perhaps not much crime in Cranleigh you see, not much for the bill to do.
Another tree down on Lions Lane, and then, wow, Somerset style floods! The water beckoned me in, not knowing if I would get out, idiots behind followed the idiot ahead, and the Environment Agency men chortling to themselves while they drank tea from their flasks in their warm van. My wheels completely disappeared only for a short distance like, 50m that is, and whoosh made it out, fantastic. What a shame Husky Sam didn't, bike coming to a halt, at what my OS Map calls, "Flash Bridge". Luckily we got it running again, 1:30 later that was, after Stuart working his magic, bumping it an all. I've not seen so much mucky spurting out of an engine before. On we went for a tasty burger at Newlands and the heavens opened, what luck to be under cover during the only really heavy rain of the day. Sam disappeared, something to do with fixing car radios, so then we were down to five. London Lane a doddle, and then on off up to the North, I feel at home up there.
Have you ever seen that really little lane in East Clandon and thought that isn't worth bothering with? Wow! More water, deep deep water! What fun, we all managed it through, what a thrill to make it out the other end. Silkmore Lane is returning to its former glory, very slowly, with water everywhere, nature taking its course. Green lane is still open, despite talk of a TRO, met a horse rider determined to keep coming towards us despite horse saying very definitely no, so we turned back early.
Nut case car driver emerged for a drive on Blake's Lane without stopping, so some crazy front wheel skid action, run leader O.K. Survived that and made it to Wix Lane, I think its called.
Then met people from Off the Kerb (, at the end of Sheepwalks Lane, good chat, they seem top guys if you want to try out trail riding without a bike. And on we went, on through the mud, back to Bocketts, 61.9 miles, what a lot can happen in 61.9 miles, I pondered out loud whether Simon really meant to invite you all to his place on the longest day, but did, he can't wait to have you all over to his.
A fantastic day out, this is what makes life worth living :) thanks guys for making it such a great day.

1150 adventurer
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Re: RUN REPORT - Easy Run - 1 Feb 14

Postby stevent » Sat Feb 01, 2014 10:01 pm




















1150 adventurer
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Re: RUN REPORT - Easy Run - 1 Feb 14

Postby Stewie » Sat Feb 01, 2014 10:46 pm

Looks like you had a good day, thanks for clearing the trees for Andrew and his mates, it makes getting the F800 through so much easier :lol:.
But they did try to move it aswell :D not helped by Ashley in the blue and white :lol:
I do like an optimist :shock: CRF250 with supermoto tyres :roll:

I used to use Sawpit lane as part of the Blakes lane loop.but I must say that I thought I was shut, I will have to go and have a look tomorrow :D .
Off the beaten track!.

250cc Trail Rider
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Re: RUN REPORT - Easy Run - 1 Feb 14

Postby mikebikewatts » Sat Feb 01, 2014 10:53 pm

Thanks Steven for a great run and super report also not forgetting the back marker Simon for ensuring we were all there. Thanks also to the other guys for your company and chats.
Great day. mike

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