Ride Report - April 19th - Dorking Lanes

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Ride Report - April 19th - Dorking Lanes

Postby Corky78 » Wed Apr 23, 2014 12:40 pm

Riders: Corky, Andrew, Phil CRF250, Phil Hughes (Sussex TRF), Dave W & Billy

We met at Rykas on a warm and sunny morning - unfortunately, Jon had dropped out of the ride that morning, but as I was giving the intro, Billy turned up to join us, seeing there was space on the forum. He had a smoke and we headed off to meet Andrew at Bockets Farm.
We met Andrew and Phil H reported a noise from the front of his bike - turned out to be the new chain needed adjustment, which we did before heading off.
We did Admirals Road, Hogden Lane, Beggars Lane and Wolverns Lane before having a break at Leith Hill. We decided not to do the lane at Leith Hill as the road blocks were still up and Billy reported a local resident had been taking photo's of those who had been riding around the block. So, to keep the peace, we took the road running alonside it (well, eventually....as I took the wrong road!!!!). We headed to Pisley Lane, turning left along it and heading down another lane...called Green Lane on the map! Off to Lowerhouse Lane and then began to head off to Ride Lane/Madgehole Lane. However, as we were all riding well and the pace was good, Billy pulled me over and suggested we headed off to Alfold as we would run out of lanes. I agreed and Billy lead us over, taking in Lions Lane and then down to Males Farm (Hook Street) - this lane was wet in places - very wet. Billy skipped over most troubles, with me following, but as I couldn't keep up, I took another line on the return pass and ended up in a very deep, muddy bog - so deep you couldn't see the wheels!!! Dave W, Andrew and I had to pull the bike out as there was no way I was riding out! We all ended up covered in mud and completely exhausted - the 4t 450 is a heavy beast! Riding off, I was further covered by the spraying mud - Dave kept a good distance behind!! :lol:
We were then led to a small, overgrown lane, again called Green Lane just off Alfold Crossways. This was a good challenge as various trees were down, but we all managed to squeeze past. The final additional lane was Painshill Farm, then headed off to join Madgehole and back on my original course. Madgehole to Ride Lane, onto Winterfold and Pond Lane before heading off to Water Lane and a break for lunch at Newlands.
After Billy changed his spark plug, then changed it back again as it didn't work, we headed back down Water Lane, up London Lane and into Fullers Farm, Billy took over again and we headed to the Lane at East Clandon, then up to Silkmore Lane, Green Lane West and up and down Hyde Lane which was VERY wet. We headed up to Elm Lane (and back again) and then down a UCR that I cannot find on the map (Billy?). Stopping to put my reg plate back on that had vibrated loose, we headed off to Sheepwalk Lane before stopping for another break. Here we said goodbye to Billy and headed up Hogden Lane, saying goodbye to Phil CRF250 at Chalkpit Lane, back up Admirals Road and back to Rykas.
A great day out, perfect weather, great company and overcame my initial nerves of my first run lead. :D
Thanks to Billy for his advice on the route and taking over the lead when I got lost!
Look forward to leading my next run next month.

KTM 450 EXC 2006

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