Run leader wanted for Hindhead area

If you want a 1on1 session, a particular ride date or a day in a specific area hunting lanes REQUEST a leader here, it might be filled :)
steve sharp
LIFE member
Posts: 1466
Joined: Mon Dec 03, 2012 6:45 pm

Run leader wanted for Hindhead area

Postby steve sharp » Sat Jul 13, 2013 10:50 am


We have a new member Pete Cameron from the Haslemere area; I'm busy and cannot take him out until mid august, hopefully 11/8. I know we have other new members in the area who would appreciate the ride.

Can someone please lead a ride from the Hindhead/Haslemere area for these new members. Could you contact Pete 07775 761873 to agree a date and then advertise on the forum for our members.

Many thanks
Steve Sharp
Group Rep

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