Himalayas here we come...

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Himalayas here we come...

Postby stevent » Sat Feb 17, 2018 6:35 pm

I’m shamelessly after money again...!

After Vietnam last year my partner Luca and I are off on another motorcycle adventure next month! We’re flying to Kathmandu, picking up two Royal Enfield bikes and will then be riding up into the Himalayas, aiming for the sacred Muktinath temple.

I couldn’t quite believe how much we collected last year, over £1,500! This year we are collecting money for Chance for Nepal. Nepal is one of the poorest countries in the world and this charity is doing huge amounts to make a difference in people’s lives.

Please sponsor us for our trip. You can donate through our Virgin Giving page:

And you can read more about Chance for Nepal’s achievements last year in their annual report:
https://www.chancefornepal.org/wp-conte ... w-2017.pdf

Thank you!

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Re: Himalayas here we come...

Postby NigelC » Mon Feb 19, 2018 12:29 pm

Wow, sounds fantastic.

Great that your partner is in to bikes too. Sounds like quite a challenge on Enfields!
Nigel TT250R Cooper

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Re: Himalayas here we come...

Postby stevent » Sat Mar 17, 2018 1:51 pm

Hello guys

One week until we leave for our Kathmandu to the Himalayas trip.

We are making a final push for donations for CHANCE for NEPAL, we have raised £730 if you include the gift aid so just £270 left to go. Help us hit our target!

CHANCE for NEPAL is run by Barbara Datson who is local, living in Cranleigh. She is a remarkable lady! Just read about some of the projects which we will be visiting.

On Monday, 12 March 2018, 20:29:39 GMT, Barbara Datson <[email protected]> wrote:

Hi Guys,

I know the main purpose of your challenge is to motorbike from Kathmandu to the Himalayas and you are only there for two weeks. You also hope to get down to Chitwan. So only if you have time to visit a project or two.

In Kathmandu, a special project of CHANCE for NEPAL is Papa's Children's Home which you will have seen my posting about on my Facebook page for CHANCE for NEPAL and Barbara Datson Facebook page.  They have just celebrated Holi Festival of colour and I posted Lalit's photos of that..  There are 25 children there.  CHANCE for Nepal funds the total food bill of the Papa's and over the years has provided new beds and bedding for everyone, a generator for the endless power custs and to providing hot water in the winter months, a water filter, and funds for the activity programme, enabling the children to have a fun outing once a month. We also have four of the children there with English sponsors. All the children speak good English and love meeting new people. Three of them are at college.
The founder is #### and his email address ####
To get a feel of the place, better to visit when the children are there and not at school.  They get back from school ‪at about 3.30pm. Saturday‬ is like our Sunday, and they do not go to school on Saturdays.
##### mobile number is : #### once you get a Nepalese Sim card.  £5/6  will give you loads of local phone calls.

One of our partners on the ground in Nepal is ####.  The director of programmes is ####.  her email address is:
There is a school called  Mitra Aaharbhut Vidhalaya School where we are funding a 'Tiffin' Programme ( a nutritious midday meal) and #### is monitoring it.  We have also just funded the filling of a water tank and soap at this school, so that the children can wash their hands, as often arrive at school with dirty hands, and wash before the Tiffin, and after going to the toilet. We also funded posters and books and toys for the younger ones. There was a water tank at the school but empty and the government said there was no money to fill it! If you went at Tiffin time ‪around 1.00pm‬ that would be best, but whenever. Ring #### (I need to get a number from her)    and she can arrange for ####, ####’s coordinator to take you.  This is very close to Boudhanath Stupa. She would need to know if you are going at least two days before hand.  They are all working so it would help to know.

I am not sure when the vaccination for anti rabies gets underway.  Usually March/April. This is also organised through ####.  The organisation for the dogs is called: Shena.     CHANCE funds 1000 rabies vaccinations each year for the past 10 years. That would be worth a visit if it is happening when you are there.  I will try to fin out.

The Triple Gem School, I have supported for 12 years, with medical checks, computer lab, generator, so in power cuts classes still go on.  There are many power cuts in Nepal.  We have 10 children receiving an education with English sponsors at this school.  The headmaster is ####, a Buddhist monk.  He is brilliant as is the school.  It is in Swayambu, near The Monkey Temple which is worth a visit.
Lama Kondan's email is:  #####

I stay at Wegain, 300 yards from the Boudhagate which leads to the Stupa. ####’s email is: ##### The eco bottle houses are about £10 per night. Good clean accommodation, western toilet.


I support the Shree Secondary School. I fund a 'Tiffin Programme' for the junior school. They are in the process of making a canteen in the school, to improve standards, at the moment, a lady brings food in which is not ideal. This is happening from the beginning of April.
I stay at the Sapana Village Lodge, a great place, own resident elephants, set on a river.  ##### is the owner/founder and it is amazing in what he has achieved.  

I love Chitwan, getting away from the hurly burley of Kathmandu. Flat and peaceful.

Make sure you visit Patan and if possible Bhaktapur, a real highlight and another world Heritage site and definitely worth a visit It is about 10 miles outside the Kathmandu city but takes at least an hour to get there because of the traffic.  You will be amazed at how congested it gets and peak times and soooooo many motorbikes.  When I first went in 2002, you hardly ever saw a motor bike!

Where does your friend in Nepal live?  I am sure he will have lots of ideas for any free time you have.  Another moving experience is the Ghats at Pashupati, where they hold the cremations, visitors sit on stone steps one side of the river and the cremations the other, it is not morbid at all, death is not a taboo subject in Nepal.  It is very moving and very peaceful. I have been many times. You have to pay before you enter, last time I went it was about £6.

I check my emails daily and please if in any difficulties email me and I will see if I can help.  Take some pounds with you the exchange rate is really favourable. It was 132 Nrs to the £  when I was there, it is now around 143Nrs to the pound. Of course it changes everyday.  There are lots of places where you can exchange money, several just outside Boudhanath.  No where accepts travellers cheques anymore.  There are lots of ATM, but several don't take certain cards. Go to Thamel, everyone does, very touristy, but the best pizza place called Fire and Ice.

We will talk again before you go.

Ash any questions

as ever,


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